Kiwanis and UNICEF are proud to introduce The #ELMN8T Project! Join us in our mission here:
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A Nomination!
Alyssa Milano has been tremendously successful in using Twitter as a tool to raise money for Charity: Water, a nonprofit working to supply clean water to those in need. On her birthday, she asked her followers to donate money to the charity instead of purchasing birthday gifts. Today she has raised $92,568 for the charity.
Be sure to vote! Click on the picture above, or go to VH1's site here:
Love for the Leader!

Once in a while I think it's good that we have some permanent place to show Alyssa how great we all know she is. Why not leave a comment saying just that?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Gulf Help Information Site
Great source of info on the #OilSpill and how you can help: #CNNHelpGulfless than a minute ago via TweetDeckAlyssa Milano
Help the Volunteers
U can donate GPS units, cameras, gift cards&more to Gulf Volunteer Surveillance Teams☛ #CNNHelpGulfless than a minute ago via TweetDeckAlyssa Milano
More Help for the Gulf
Text "WILDLIFE" to 20222 to donate $10 to the National Wildlife Federation! #cnnhelpgulfless than a minute ago via TweetDeckAlyssa Milano
Helping the Gulf Region
Text UNITED to 50555 to donate $10 to United Way. They are providing emergency assistance to people of the gulf. #CNNHelpGulfless than a minute ago via TweetDeckAlyssa Milano
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Alyssa Milano in Kosovo | Alyssa Milano
On Monday, June 21st | Alyssa Milano
Tweets of the Week: World Cup Edition, Part 2 - Speakeasy - WSJ
Manute Bol
Rest in peace, Manute Bol. This is what made him a true legend (2007 video): #NBA #Darfurless than a minute ago via TweetDeckAlyssa Milano