Other Alyssa Stuff!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Alyssa in Pittsburgh with the Penguins!

#Pens President/CEO David Morehouse & @Alyssa_Milano cut the ribbon at new @TouchbyAM store:

#Pens President/CEO David Morehouse & @Alyssa_Milano cut ... on Twitpic

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guess Who?

See if you can spot the familiar little face in this video :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sundays At Tiffany's Update

This Tweet came from Lifetime TV's Official Twitter today. It's official, all right: The Lifetime Movie, "Sundays at Tiffany's" will be airing on 12/6.

Hi @alyssadotcom and @Alyssa_Milano no preview for Sundays at Tiffanys yet, but we will post asap! it airs on 12/6less than a minute ago via HootSuite

Monday, November 8, 2010

Guest Post

Dear Alyssa, In the past couple of months that I have been on twitter, one thing has become apparent to me, your love for helping the less fortunate and sick is overwhelming!

I actually joined twitter because of you, (hope its not scary) :) I have watched you on 'Who's The Boss', 'Charmed' and I'm proud to say that you have tweeted to me personally (on my birthday) which meant so much to me! You're an inspiration to many and a wonderful person to all!

You make me (and the rest of your followers) smile everyday, and I am proud to forever call you, my friend! :).        Love always, Nick Collins. @Charmed_1_4ever

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Alyssa Milano signed a jacket for @Macksal during the Soldier Crossing opening at Ft Bliss http://bit.ly/dai2Hy via @elpasotimes @cubfancurt

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Autism Speaks Event

Getting ready to go to the @autismspeaks #ActsOfLove event. @BretMardock is doing my face.less than a minute ago via Twittelator

Los Angeles Lakers Women's Superfan Burnout Tee from Touch by Alyssa Milano

Los Angeles Lakers Women's Superfan Burnout Tee from Touch by Alyssa Milano

The Boss Lady

I don't spend my life looking for role models. At this point, if I haven't decided on the person I want to be, not even the best role model is going to matter.

What I do look for these days, is inspiration. I know what's right and wrong, I know that I like to lend a hand to those in need, and I know that kindness is much better than the alternative. I think the thing that people remember most about you is how you made them feel.

But sometimes, life is tricky. It seems that it has become a lot of work sifting through and finding out where one can be of assistance. There's a whole lot of noise out there, and most of it seems to be people engaged in a lot of self-promotion, aka "anything for a buck." I think a lot of young people see fame as "having and doing anything I want, when I want." Nothing seems to get more attention than a celebrity who has taken a misstep with their life. We seem to thrive on the falls of the mighty.

So that leaves me looking for inspiration. It's very easy to get caught up in the negative. Doesn't seem to call for much energy to spread the latest gossip and feel important. What gives me inspiration to get back on track is someone who "does", someone whose life is more than just talk.

I know now, that this is the reason I've chosen to follow and be inspired by Alyssa Milano. I don't care how young or old we are, or how much experience we believe we've taken on. Ms. Milano is someone who could very well rest on her laurels, or devote all her energy to her own ends. She has chosen to make a difference in a positive way, and her actions have spoken a lot more loudly than her words. She is someone who has made a difference in the lives of people she might never even meet. She's shown that there is room for some good in the world.

Yes, she is beautiful and talented. She's a celebrity that many people have formed a bond with, but not for the most obvious reasons that many celebrities have garnered a following. She is inspiring people, both young and old, of every gender and walk of life, to find a reason to do some good. She sets an example every single day, and thanks to the Social Media, her actions have had an effect around the world.

I once heard that great people do ordinary things in extraordinary ways. A clean drink of water, a roof over one's head could be considered quite ordinary until one is faced with doing without. It takes the efforts of many to meet the needs of a few, and Alyssa Milano has set the standard that most of us would be very well-off to strive to achieve. She's great, but seems to be the only one who doesn't know that. She is, by sheer definition, "inspiration."

And that's inspiration enough for me. How about you?