Sunday, December 25, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
A Birthday Message to Alyssa
Video compiled by Giota (@Giota_89) with our thanks!
Alyssa Birthday
Another Happy Day For the BossLady
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Alyssa and Baby Milo in the garden |
So we can try, right?
Why not add your own wishes right here? Join in the fun and say a few words to the Best of the Best on Twitter!
Happy birthday, Alyssa Milano, with all the love your Army can give! Enjoy your day, and thanks for sharing such a great time with all of us!
Alyssa Birthday
Saturday, November 12, 2011
An Army Assignment!
OK This Monday it's time to revive #MilanoMonday ! We'll play a little game. On Monday morning (no matter what time zone or country you're in) I want everyone to think a minute about the following:
I think that's easy enough! Are you in?
Remember, hashtag #10secondswithAlyssa
Imagine you're about to meet the BossLady, Alyssa Milano. but you're only going to get 10 seconds with her. We all like to make a good impression, of course, so, what would you say to her in that 10 seconds?I figure it would take about 10 seconds to say a Tweet, so there you have it. If you want to play, get your best Tweet together, and use the hashtag #10secondswithAlyssa
I think that's easy enough! Are you in?
Remember, hashtag #10secondswithAlyssa
Army Assignments
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The Movement
Someone asked me why I was part of the drive to get Alyssa Milano a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
It's really simple.
I was just like a lot of the fans Alyssa has. I liked her, I enjoyed her acting. I loved her on "Who's the Boss?", enjoyed the movies she worked on. I was a fan.
Then came Twitter. I was kind of a newbie to Twitter at the time, and I was browsing a website that listed "Twitter verified celebs". When I saw Alyssa's name, I clicked the link to her Twitter page. I noticed the caveat, "I tweet a lot..." She was actually one of the only people on my list of follows who actually Tweeted, so I got to read nearly everything she posted.
I quickly learned that following her was a great move, because I got to see a lot more of what Alyssa Milano was about. Here was a celebrity, a real, bona fide star, talking to fans. Interacting with every day people. And I would read the genuine happiness she brought to those she mentioned. Believe me, I have a couple of Tweets saved to my "favorites", and I'm not alone on that one.
But there was more. There were Tweets about Unicef, about Neglected Tropical Diseases. Then came the Birthday Drive to raise money for wells in underdeveloped nations.
I was hooked. I was having a lousy life at the time. A lot of the time, our misery is a result of dwelling on our own problems and just being plain selfish. So much can change in our lives when we learn to lend a hand where needed, to put the focus on others. You learn that there are countless people out there who are a lot worse off than we are. I got on board.
I had a blast during the time we all got involved in promoting "Romantically Challenged". I really started to feel like I was part of a great community. There were nights I honestly couldn't wait to get a chance to hit Twitter and get busy. It was a lot of fun, and I connected with a lot of really great people. But the most fun for me was realizing that Alyssa Milano never neglected to say "thank you" to everyone on her team.
But the biggest boost I got was from being involved in the philanthropy that Alyssa is involved with. I really saw her as a great team leader. Sure, it helped a little that she was ALYSSA MILANO, but when I shut off the light at night and walked away from the computer, I was regularly reminded of the adage about "one life breathing easier because you exist" and I really started turning my own life around in the process.
I can say a couple of things because I have actually been in her company for a short time. Alyssa is a Lady, she is gracious and gentle. Here I was, a grown, gimpy man, hobbling into the room with a cane in my hand, nervous, hoping not to make an idiot of myself, and this Lady greeted me with all the grace and elegance of royalty while at the same time presenting herself as a truly down to earth person. Believe me, I held on tight to my camera, and my autographed photo, but I held on more tightly to what will be a life-long memory of being treated ever so kindly.
Kind. It's what she is. That word can sometimes be very vanilla and commonplace until you've been on the receiving end of it.
I want us to get a Star for Alyssa because it is an honor she would never seek out for herself. I think it's an honor she richly deserves because she isn't just a face on the screen. In a world where some people use fame as a means to selfish ends, Alyssa is someone who has put it to work as a powerful tool to better the lives of people much less fortunate than herself. Yes, her professional accomplishments deem her worthy of that Star, and the humanitarian in her sure helps too. But for me, it's the fact that she inspires so many others to get involved, to do some good, that cinches the deal.
We're lucky, us folks in "Alyssa's Army" because we are on the team of someone who leads by great example. I think this Star campaign is the perfect tribute we can give to the BossLady.
I hope you agree. Let's get 'er done.
It's really simple.
I was just like a lot of the fans Alyssa has. I liked her, I enjoyed her acting. I loved her on "Who's the Boss?", enjoyed the movies she worked on. I was a fan.
Then came Twitter. I was kind of a newbie to Twitter at the time, and I was browsing a website that listed "Twitter verified celebs". When I saw Alyssa's name, I clicked the link to her Twitter page. I noticed the caveat, "I tweet a lot..." She was actually one of the only people on my list of follows who actually Tweeted, so I got to read nearly everything she posted.
I quickly learned that following her was a great move, because I got to see a lot more of what Alyssa Milano was about. Here was a celebrity, a real, bona fide star, talking to fans. Interacting with every day people. And I would read the genuine happiness she brought to those she mentioned. Believe me, I have a couple of Tweets saved to my "favorites", and I'm not alone on that one.
But there was more. There were Tweets about Unicef, about Neglected Tropical Diseases. Then came the Birthday Drive to raise money for wells in underdeveloped nations.
I was hooked. I was having a lousy life at the time. A lot of the time, our misery is a result of dwelling on our own problems and just being plain selfish. So much can change in our lives when we learn to lend a hand where needed, to put the focus on others. You learn that there are countless people out there who are a lot worse off than we are. I got on board.
I had a blast during the time we all got involved in promoting "Romantically Challenged". I really started to feel like I was part of a great community. There were nights I honestly couldn't wait to get a chance to hit Twitter and get busy. It was a lot of fun, and I connected with a lot of really great people. But the most fun for me was realizing that Alyssa Milano never neglected to say "thank you" to everyone on her team.
But the biggest boost I got was from being involved in the philanthropy that Alyssa is involved with. I really saw her as a great team leader. Sure, it helped a little that she was ALYSSA MILANO, but when I shut off the light at night and walked away from the computer, I was regularly reminded of the adage about "one life breathing easier because you exist" and I really started turning my own life around in the process.
I can say a couple of things because I have actually been in her company for a short time. Alyssa is a Lady, she is gracious and gentle. Here I was, a grown, gimpy man, hobbling into the room with a cane in my hand, nervous, hoping not to make an idiot of myself, and this Lady greeted me with all the grace and elegance of royalty while at the same time presenting herself as a truly down to earth person. Believe me, I held on tight to my camera, and my autographed photo, but I held on more tightly to what will be a life-long memory of being treated ever so kindly.
Kind. It's what she is. That word can sometimes be very vanilla and commonplace until you've been on the receiving end of it.
I want us to get a Star for Alyssa because it is an honor she would never seek out for herself. I think it's an honor she richly deserves because she isn't just a face on the screen. In a world where some people use fame as a means to selfish ends, Alyssa is someone who has put it to work as a powerful tool to better the lives of people much less fortunate than herself. Yes, her professional accomplishments deem her worthy of that Star, and the humanitarian in her sure helps too. But for me, it's the fact that she inspires so many others to get involved, to do some good, that cinches the deal.
We're lucky, us folks in "Alyssa's Army" because we are on the team of someone who leads by great example. I think this Star campaign is the perfect tribute we can give to the BossLady.
I hope you agree. Let's get 'er done.
Star For Alyssa
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Star Update
Hi guys, just an update. The paperwork is in transit. Here is a timeline about what will be taking place.
- We have to nominate Alyssa for the Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. This nomination will be going in well ahead of the deadline of May 2012. This is only the nomination process.
- If the nomination is accepted, Alyssa will be eligible for her Star in 2013. So this will be a bit of a wait for us. Please be patient during this time.
- Once the nomination is accepted (which I'm confident will take happen), the fundraising will begin. We have to raise the required donation to the Hollywood Chamber. This donation is $30,000. With the amount of fans Alyssa has, this should be a very easy task. The Chamber is a charitable organization that does a lot of worthwhile work, so the cause is a good one. I'll detail more of the Chamber's work at a later date.
The important thing for us to do, is to raise the awareness that this project will be picking up steam. This will give everyone who wants to participate the time to save up the pennies, nickels, dimes and dollars. As I said earlier, if just 3000 of Alyssa's fans kick in a $10 donation, we'll meet our mark. It's just really important that everyone knows about this project now, so that it comes as a surprise to no one, and no one gets left out.
Spread the word: #StarForAlyssa
See ya later! RT this article around to everyone you know who might be interested!
Star For Alyssa
Friday, September 30, 2011
A Star For The BossLady
Welcome. If you're reading this, it's probably because you're a huge Alyssa Milano fan. Well, this is most definitely an article that's going to say some great things about The BossLady.
And if you're here, Alyssa Milano has probably touched your life somehow, made you smile, made you happy. And there's no doubt, you follow her on Twitter. Alyssa Milano has brought a lot of good things to the table. She's made a lot of people happy with her professional work: her TV shows, her movies. She's also been a great big subscriber to the "give back" school of thought. She has helped so many people (and animals) have a better day, a better week, and in some cases a better life. To me, personally, she exemplifies what it means to be a great person. She has stayed the course over the years, and has definitely made herself out to be a great role model at a time when those are a little tough to come by.
I don't believe it is really necessary to spend a lot of time expounding upon all the things that make Alyssa Milano the great Lady she is. I think we'd all agree to that.
But maybe now it's time for us, the fans and Twitter Family, to do something for Alyssa that she really deserves.
One of the great tributes that can be paid to someone like Alyssa is a Star on The Hollywood Walk Of Fame. And I am asking you to join me in accomplishing that for her. It's a bit of a lengthy process that will require some effort and some determination. But I think Alyssa is worth the effort, and I hope you do too. Here's how it works.
There is one, and only one, way to get it done. There is some paperwork that must be taken care of in order to nominate Alyssa for the honor. I am in the process of working with Alyssa's Assistant to get that done. And truly, that's the easy part. I will have that done shortly. The paperwork will go in and the nomination will be for the 2013 induction period. (yes, 2013). So we do have some time, but we can't be lax. This cannot be a last minute thing.
The next key requirement is set by the Hollywood Chamber, which is the governing body of the Walk Of Fame, through the Hollywood Historic Trust. The Hollywood Historic Trust is a certified 501(c) Organization (which means, in layman's terms, a charitable organization.) If you need a little clarification on that, read this: In order to complete the process, and get the Star in place on the Walk Of Fame, a donation of $30,000 US must be made to the charity on behalf of Alyssa Milano. The donation to the organization allows them to provide the maintenance and upkeep of the Walk of Fame, as well as some other charitable activities.
And that's where we come in. There are a great many of us who are dedicated Alyssa fans and followers, so the "burden" can, and should be shared by any of us who can kick in. Just think, 3000 fans donating $10 each can get it done. I do believe there are more than 3000 who would be willing to participate, and I hope that I am right.
It's important to note that the donation is to a charitable organization. We are not "buying" a Star, we are nominating someone great for something great. The rules apply to every single person who gets a Star on the Walk.
I have set up a donation site. It is coming to us courtesy of, which some of you might recognize. Sophia Bush does a lot of her fundraising through that website, so I know that I'm comfortable with their work.
This will be the site set up strictly for our Project: Please take a look and become familiar with it, but please don't make a donation just yet. We'll let you know when the fundraising gets underway (shortly after the paperwork goes through)
Most importantly, please do not feel pressured. There is plenty of time to save the nickels and dimes to get that donation together. And if you cannot donate, please spread the word to as many people as possible to get the awareness going. We want a lot of buzz for a great Lady to get her due.
If it isn't your thing at all, if you don't feel you want to participate at all, that's the beauty of Alyssa's Army... you do what you want and you still belong. I'd love everyone to get behind this. There will be no pressure put on anyone, and no one has to know anyone else's business.
This is the only way we can get it done. Online petitions, letter-writing campaigns, etc. will have no effect on the process. The Organization sets the rules, and if we want to get Alyssa a Star on the Walk, this is how it must be done.
I hope I can count on your support for The BossLady.
Spread the word! #STARFORALYSSA!
And if you're here, Alyssa Milano has probably touched your life somehow, made you smile, made you happy. And there's no doubt, you follow her on Twitter. Alyssa Milano has brought a lot of good things to the table. She's made a lot of people happy with her professional work: her TV shows, her movies. She's also been a great big subscriber to the "give back" school of thought. She has helped so many people (and animals) have a better day, a better week, and in some cases a better life. To me, personally, she exemplifies what it means to be a great person. She has stayed the course over the years, and has definitely made herself out to be a great role model at a time when those are a little tough to come by.
I don't believe it is really necessary to spend a lot of time expounding upon all the things that make Alyssa Milano the great Lady she is. I think we'd all agree to that.
But maybe now it's time for us, the fans and Twitter Family, to do something for Alyssa that she really deserves.
One of the great tributes that can be paid to someone like Alyssa is a Star on The Hollywood Walk Of Fame. And I am asking you to join me in accomplishing that for her. It's a bit of a lengthy process that will require some effort and some determination. But I think Alyssa is worth the effort, and I hope you do too. Here's how it works.
There is one, and only one, way to get it done. There is some paperwork that must be taken care of in order to nominate Alyssa for the honor. I am in the process of working with Alyssa's Assistant to get that done. And truly, that's the easy part. I will have that done shortly. The paperwork will go in and the nomination will be for the 2013 induction period. (yes, 2013). So we do have some time, but we can't be lax. This cannot be a last minute thing.
The next key requirement is set by the Hollywood Chamber, which is the governing body of the Walk Of Fame, through the Hollywood Historic Trust. The Hollywood Historic Trust is a certified 501(c) Organization (which means, in layman's terms, a charitable organization.) If you need a little clarification on that, read this: In order to complete the process, and get the Star in place on the Walk Of Fame, a donation of $30,000 US must be made to the charity on behalf of Alyssa Milano. The donation to the organization allows them to provide the maintenance and upkeep of the Walk of Fame, as well as some other charitable activities.
And that's where we come in. There are a great many of us who are dedicated Alyssa fans and followers, so the "burden" can, and should be shared by any of us who can kick in. Just think, 3000 fans donating $10 each can get it done. I do believe there are more than 3000 who would be willing to participate, and I hope that I am right.
It's important to note that the donation is to a charitable organization. We are not "buying" a Star, we are nominating someone great for something great. The rules apply to every single person who gets a Star on the Walk.
I have set up a donation site. It is coming to us courtesy of, which some of you might recognize. Sophia Bush does a lot of her fundraising through that website, so I know that I'm comfortable with their work.
This will be the site set up strictly for our Project: Please take a look and become familiar with it, but please don't make a donation just yet. We'll let you know when the fundraising gets underway (shortly after the paperwork goes through)
Most importantly, please do not feel pressured. There is plenty of time to save the nickels and dimes to get that donation together. And if you cannot donate, please spread the word to as many people as possible to get the awareness going. We want a lot of buzz for a great Lady to get her due.
If it isn't your thing at all, if you don't feel you want to participate at all, that's the beauty of Alyssa's Army... you do what you want and you still belong. I'd love everyone to get behind this. There will be no pressure put on anyone, and no one has to know anyone else's business.
This is the only way we can get it done. Online petitions, letter-writing campaigns, etc. will have no effect on the process. The Organization sets the rules, and if we want to get Alyssa a Star on the Walk, this is how it must be done.
I hope I can count on your support for The BossLady.
Spread the word! #STARFORALYSSA!
Star For Alyssa
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Alyssa's Star: Some Technical Info
We just need everyone to read this article so that everyone understands what a charitable organization is. You'll understand why we need you to know this info with the next article.
Here, read this:
Here, read this:
Star For Alyssa
Monday, September 12, 2011
Alyssa's Star
OK, so if you are reading this, I am going to assume you support our movement to get Alyssa Milano a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
There are a lot of things that need to happen to get this done. I'm working diligently on the paperwork, and that will take some time.
The most important thing right now is that we get people involved. We're going to need a lot of Twitter Awareness to make this happen.
We're going to use the hashtag #StarForAlyssa to start spreading the word on Twitter, and you can look for the Star For Alyssa link here on this page for information updates.
Get in touch with everyone you know who is an Alyssa Milano fan and let them know they need to get involved. All we're asking is that you help spread the word so that we can get people to check in here to see what's going on.
More information as it develops. Let's make this happen!
There are a lot of things that need to happen to get this done. I'm working diligently on the paperwork, and that will take some time.
The most important thing right now is that we get people involved. We're going to need a lot of Twitter Awareness to make this happen.
We're going to use the hashtag #StarForAlyssa to start spreading the word on Twitter, and you can look for the Star For Alyssa link here on this page for information updates.
Get in touch with everyone you know who is an Alyssa Milano fan and let them know they need to get involved. All we're asking is that you help spread the word so that we can get people to check in here to see what's going on.
More information as it develops. Let's make this happen!
Star For Alyssa
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Tweet Peek
For all of you asking, "Milo" was named after his two Grandfathers, Miller and Thomas. Two very important men in my life.less than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite
Alyssa Milano
Baby Milo
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
THE Baby Tweet!
Thank you for all the well wishes for my son Milo. My heart has tripled in size. I love him more than all the leaves on all the trees.less than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite
Alyssa Milano
Baby Milo
The Baby Tweet
Alyssa Milano Welcomes a Son! /via @Peoplemagless than a minute ago via TweetDeck Favorite
Official Alyssa News
Baby Milo
Friday, August 26, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
To Clarify The Anniversary Plan
Hi. Today, Monday 8/15 is Alyssa and David's Wedding anniversary.
Everyone in Alyssa's Army should look at the picture here.
We'd like everyone in Alyssa's Army to use the photo that is here as their Twitter avatar (twitter profile pic) for the day.
All you have to do is right-click on the photo and save it to your computer.
Then, go edit your Twitter profile and use the photo that is here as your avatar. Then tweet a Happy Anniversary wish to @Alyssa_Milano so she can see everyone tweeting using this picture as their avatar.
Hope that clears things up a bit.
Everyone in Alyssa's Army should look at the picture here.
We'd like everyone in Alyssa's Army to use the photo that is here as their Twitter avatar (twitter profile pic) for the day.
All you have to do is right-click on the photo and save it to your computer.
Then, go edit your Twitter profile and use the photo that is here as your avatar. Then tweet a Happy Anniversary wish to @Alyssa_Milano so she can see everyone tweeting using this picture as their avatar.
Hope that clears things up a bit.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
There's an Anniversary Coming Up Monday
I have this picture that I am going to use as a little tribute to Alyssa and David for their anniversary. Feel free to use it as your Twitter avatar on 8/15/11, Monday.
Make it a special #MilanoMonday! And a yayyy!
note: to get the best results, click on this image <<< wait for it to load on the next page, and then right-click on the larger image.
Make it a special #MilanoMonday! And a yayyy!
note: to get the best results, click on this image <<< wait for it to load on the next page, and then right-click on the larger image.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Alyssa on The Rachael Ray Show (Awesome Footage)
This is such great footage from The Rachael Ray Show, which really shows where her heart is. Reflections on love, children, pets and of course, baseball !
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Really Safe At Home
If you like baseball, but often find yourself left out of the barroom or water-cooler baseball chats, grab a copy of MacMillan's Baseball Encyclopedia and spend a few months studying it. It's a good book, and you'll learn a lot about the game. In one season's time, you'll probably be able to contribute a thing or two to those discussions. There are enough statistics, records and numbers to make you appear knowledgeable enough to participate.
Safe At Home
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Alyssa Milano and the Fans
This is why the Army loves the BossLady
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The BossLady and a vcry happy Fan |
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Alyssa's Army Call to Order! :)
We have a lot to chat about this week. There is some good stuff in the works here, and the best way to do it is to touch base on Twitter, and then go from there.
Follow the hashtag #AAMG
Then join in the discussion, using that hashtag (#AAMG) on Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 8 PM Eastern. It's really a fun conversation, and you can get caught up in the enthusiasm :)
Be there.
Follow the hashtag #AAMG
Then join in the discussion, using that hashtag (#AAMG) on Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 8 PM Eastern. It's really a fun conversation, and you can get caught up in the enthusiasm :)
Be there.
Army Assignments
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Milano Monday / Army Assignments
Quite a few people have asked how to join "Alyssa's Army". Well it is a very simple process!
Army Assignments,
Milano Monday
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
What's new at Citizens Bank Park for 2011 - : Phils-ville
What's new at Citizens Bank Park for 2011 - : Phils-ville
Read about the new expanded merchandise offerings: including Touch by AM!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Another Appearance!
Alyssa Milano cast in Fox's 'Breaking In'
By: Stuart Levine
Published: Tue, March 01, 2011, 4:17 PM
| Comments ( 0 ) | TrackBack ( 0 )
Published: Tue, March 01, 2011, 4:17 PM
| Comments ( 0 ) | TrackBack ( 0 )
Alyssa Milano has been cast for a guest appearance on the upcoming Fox comedy “Breaking In.”
Actress will play the ex-wife of Christian Slater’s character, Oz, who is the owner of a high-tech security firm.
“Breaking In” will debut at 9:30 p.m. April 6 — with a nice lead-in of “American Idol” — and Milano will appear in the April 13 episode. Depending upon future scripts, she has the potential to be cast in future episodes.
The pilot was shot in March and the remaining episodes are now in production. Adam Sandler’s Happy Madison Prods., Sethsquatch and Sony Pictures Television are behind the project.
Adam F. Goldberg, Seth Gordon and Doug Robinson are exec producers. Goldberg wrote the pilot with Gordon directing both the pilot and second episode.
Milano, currently appearing in the Farrelly brothers’ bigscreen laffer “Hall Pass,” is set to begin filming Gary Marshall’s romantic comedy “New Year’s Eve” with Robert De Niro, Ashton Kutcher and Zac Efron.
Actress will play the ex-wife of Christian Slater’s character, Oz, who is the owner of a high-tech security firm.
“Breaking In” will debut at 9:30 p.m. April 6 — with a nice lead-in of “American Idol” — and Milano will appear in the April 13 episode. Depending upon future scripts, she has the potential to be cast in future episodes.
The pilot was shot in March and the remaining episodes are now in production. Adam Sandler’s Happy Madison Prods., Sethsquatch and Sony Pictures Television are behind the project.
Adam F. Goldberg, Seth Gordon and Doug Robinson are exec producers. Goldberg wrote the pilot with Gordon directing both the pilot and second episode.
Milano, currently appearing in the Farrelly brothers’ bigscreen laffer “Hall Pass,” is set to begin filming Gary Marshall’s romantic comedy “New Year’s Eve” with Robert De Niro, Ashton Kutcher and Zac Efron.
Read more:
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Sunday, February 27, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Alyssa Milano (and Baby Bump) at the "Hall Pass" Premiere
Pregnant is beautiful, and in the case of Alyssa Milano, extraordinarily beautiful. This is a photo of the Boss Lady at the premiere of "Hall Pass" last night.
thanks to @lil_red_man for the link!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sign UP!
By now you've no doubt gotten the word about the great news for Alyssa Milano and David Bugliari. I don't think anyone will argue that there's a couple of very happy parents-to-be out there somewhere.
OK, everyone add a message here so we can have a permanent keepsake for The BossLady.
Show some love, people!
OK, everyone add a message here so we can have a permanent keepsake for The BossLady.
Show some love, people!
Good News
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Mark the Date!
On 2/16/2011 the latest version of was unveiled. Be sure to check it out. They did a great job with it!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Shorty Awards
Hi folks. We have another opportunity to show some love to the Boss Lady. The Shorty Awards are coming up in March, and we could make an effort to help Alyssa get bestowed with a great honor.
With all the fans of "Charmed", "Who's The Boss?", "My Girlfriend's Boyfriend" and "Sundays At Tiffany's" out there, we can make a real run at the top nomination in the "Actress" category. Alyssa's resume will expand more this year with the release of "Hall Pass" and "New Year's Eve", so let's show some gratitude to our wonderful BossLady.
It's important to make every vote count. There's a form on the page that we can each fill out, but for the vote to count, it has to be done right!
So let's do this step-by-step
Go to this portion of the Shorty Awards website:
When you get to that page, you'll see this:
Now that we're on the right page, put Alyssa's name in, and make sure it's for the ACTRESS category using the drop down menu:
(note - type in the little box where the arrow indicates, and her name will automatically fill in)
If you do everything just right, Alyssa can get a lot more votes!
Now let's do this!
if that link above doesn't work, click on the one below:
With all the fans of "Charmed", "Who's The Boss?", "My Girlfriend's Boyfriend" and "Sundays At Tiffany's" out there, we can make a real run at the top nomination in the "Actress" category. Alyssa's resume will expand more this year with the release of "Hall Pass" and "New Year's Eve", so let's show some gratitude to our wonderful BossLady.
It's important to make every vote count. There's a form on the page that we can each fill out, but for the vote to count, it has to be done right!
Important: in order to cast a vote that will count, you must go to the website below. Doing a RT does not cast a vote. You have to create your own vote to make it happen!
So let's do this step-by-step
Go to this portion of the Shorty Awards website:
When you get to that page, you'll see this:
Now that we're on the right page, put Alyssa's name in, and make sure it's for the ACTRESS category using the drop down menu:
(note - type in the little box where the arrow indicates, and her name will automatically fill in)
Now for the next important step, you have to fill in something after "because..." or the vote will not count!
You can do like I did below, but use your own words, k? :)
Then, of course, you have to TWEET YOUR VOTE like I did below:
If you do everything just right, Alyssa can get a lot more votes!
Now let's do this!
if that link above doesn't work, click on the one below:
Shorty Awards
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Guest Posts
Alyssa - you are so inspirational to me. You're innocent, helpful, selfless ways is what makes you an inspiration to me. You beauty! Lots of love, xxx
Guest Posts
Guest Posts
My Admiration of Alyssa Milano
If you were to ask me what comes to mind when you think of Alyssa Milano? My answer would be sunshine, rainbows, the beach, and anything else that makes me happy. However it’s not just what I think about when I think of Alyssa Milano it’s how I feel. Alyssa makes me feel happy, calm, respected, and loved. Alyssa is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day and so much more. This is my admiration for Alyssa Milano.
Alyssa is such a genuine and pure woman. She cares about everyone and is ready to lend a hand to anyone who needs it. What she does to help people is just amazing and she’s amazing. She doesn’t just help people, she helps animals too. Alyssa is without a doubt one the most compassionate people on this earth today. Alyssa is a huge inspiration to everyone as well as me. She encourages us to help out in any way we can and understands if we can’t donate. I think no I know that with Alyssa we can help make our world a better place for all of us.
Following Alyssa on Twitter has been a Godsend to me. Alyssa constantly inspires me through her tweets every day. She also makes me smile every day. Her warmth, kindness, and smiles are felt through her tweets. I’m proud to follow her on Twitter and wouldn’t have it any other way. Through Alyssa I’ve met some awesome and sweet friends, Liz Dziuk aka cocacola222 constantly helps me through rough times and I do the same for her. We met on Alyssa’s message board Celebrity Loop about a year ago and I’ve been so happy being friends with her ever since. Some other friends I’ve met because of Alyssa are LippyJimmy, Angel LaCombe aka angelmarie_3, Laura Walker aka laurawalker86, Geno Carter aka Genosworld, Lisa Paternella aka bittersweet9, Niki Kaxeri aka NiKi1_ and Emma Clifford aka embemp3 are just a few. I appreciate each and every one of them. Alyssa doesn’t see us as “just fans”, we are way more important to her than that. She cares about us and what is going on with us. She offers prayers and twitter hugs when we need it most. She puts a smile on our faces when we need it most. We are more like friends or family to her than like fans. That is something a lot of celebrities can’t say about themselves. Alyssa is truly a special person to all of us.
I always think about what it will be like when my dream comes true and I get to meet Alyssa. That will be one of the best days of my life. I’m not going to lie there might be some happy tears. It will be an honor and privilege to meet Alyssa. I will be grateful every single day when I’m given the opportunity. I always say when not if I meet Alyssa because I know deep down in my heart that someday I will meet her, it’s just a feeling I have. I am not ashamed or embarrassed to say I love Alyssa Milano. Nothing will ever change my love for her. Alyssa Milano is my Hero and Biggest Inspiration and someday I hope to be able to help out the way she does.
Sorry if it's a little long but it basically sums up how I feel about Alyssa! : )
@lilsouthernlady aka Sumner :)
If you were to ask me what comes to mind when you think of Alyssa Milano? My answer would be sunshine, rainbows, the beach, and anything else that makes me happy. However it’s not just what I think about when I think of Alyssa Milano it’s how I feel. Alyssa makes me feel happy, calm, respected, and loved. Alyssa is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day and so much more. This is my admiration for Alyssa Milano.
Alyssa is such a genuine and pure woman. She cares about everyone and is ready to lend a hand to anyone who needs it. What she does to help people is just amazing and she’s amazing. She doesn’t just help people, she helps animals too. Alyssa is without a doubt one the most compassionate people on this earth today. Alyssa is a huge inspiration to everyone as well as me. She encourages us to help out in any way we can and understands if we can’t donate. I think no I know that with Alyssa we can help make our world a better place for all of us.
Following Alyssa on Twitter has been a Godsend to me. Alyssa constantly inspires me through her tweets every day. She also makes me smile every day. Her warmth, kindness, and smiles are felt through her tweets. I’m proud to follow her on Twitter and wouldn’t have it any other way. Through Alyssa I’ve met some awesome and sweet friends, Liz Dziuk aka cocacola222 constantly helps me through rough times and I do the same for her. We met on Alyssa’s message board Celebrity Loop about a year ago and I’ve been so happy being friends with her ever since. Some other friends I’ve met because of Alyssa are LippyJimmy, Angel LaCombe aka angelmarie_3, Laura Walker aka laurawalker86, Geno Carter aka Genosworld, Lisa Paternella aka bittersweet9, Niki Kaxeri aka NiKi1_ and Emma Clifford aka embemp3 are just a few. I appreciate each and every one of them. Alyssa doesn’t see us as “just fans”, we are way more important to her than that. She cares about us and what is going on with us. She offers prayers and twitter hugs when we need it most. She puts a smile on our faces when we need it most. We are more like friends or family to her than like fans. That is something a lot of celebrities can’t say about themselves. Alyssa is truly a special person to all of us.
I always think about what it will be like when my dream comes true and I get to meet Alyssa. That will be one of the best days of my life. I’m not going to lie there might be some happy tears. It will be an honor and privilege to meet Alyssa. I will be grateful every single day when I’m given the opportunity. I always say when not if I meet Alyssa because I know deep down in my heart that someday I will meet her, it’s just a feeling I have. I am not ashamed or embarrassed to say I love Alyssa Milano. Nothing will ever change my love for her. Alyssa Milano is my Hero and Biggest Inspiration and someday I hope to be able to help out the way she does.
Sorry if it's a little long but it basically sums up how I feel about Alyssa! : )
@lilsouthernlady aka Sumner :)
Guest Posts
Guest Posts
I've only been on Twitter for a little over a month. I was one of those 'I don't understand it so I'm going to avoid it and Facebook is easier' people. But I've recently got re-acquainted with Charmed, to the point of buying the complete series on DVD. I fell in love with the Halliwells all over again and started trying to find out what everyone was doing now that the show was over. I read somewhere about Alyssa being in a new TV Movie and wanted to find out more (like if it's ever coming to the UK). I checked her official website and noticed she was on Twitter but not on Facebook at that time (she fixed that recently LOL). I checked that page a couple more times and then just after New Year I checked it once more and decided, what the heck! I might as well join and if I don't like it I'll leave!
What I found was an amazing group of people all following a wonderful 'leader' in Alyssa. It's taken me a while to get used to the various theme days we have, but for#MilanoMonday we're asked to show our love for Alyssa and give our reasons. A lot of those reasons are 'because she does this or she cares about that specific thing'. I think it's just something as simple as - she cares and she shares.
Alyssa is the reason I joined Twitter and she's the reason I'm staying (even if I am still getting the hang of things and don't understand everything twitter-wise yet). I live in hope of one day being mentioned or having one of my lame tweets retweeted by her (but I'm not holding my breath LOL).
#MilanoMonday #ILoveAlyssa because she's the reason I'm here and making new friends and being educated and.. (the list goes on)
Thank You Alyssa and thank you LippyJimmy for letting us share too!
Jo (aka @brit_pup)
What I found was an amazing group of people all following a wonderful 'leader' in Alyssa. It's taken me a while to get used to the various theme days we have, but for#MilanoMonday we're asked to show our love for Alyssa and give our reasons. A lot of those reasons are 'because she does this or she cares about that specific thing'. I think it's just something as simple as - she cares and she shares.
Alyssa is the reason I joined Twitter and she's the reason I'm staying (even if I am still getting the hang of things and don't understand everything twitter-wise yet). I live in hope of one day being mentioned or having one of my lame tweets retweeted by her (but I'm not holding my breath LOL).
#MilanoMonday #ILoveAlyssa because she's the reason I'm here and making new friends and being educated and.. (the list goes on)
Thank You Alyssa and thank you LippyJimmy for letting us share too!
Jo (aka @brit_pup)
Guest Posts
From Charlie8Charlie
Alyssa you are officially the queen of twitter! I followed you as a major fan of Charmed and quickly realised you are so much more! Your heart is huge and your happiness infectious. Thank you for being you, for spreading important information (as well as the just plain weird and interesting!), and for actually caring on a daily basis! I love you and all that you stand for, and I’m incredibly grateful for the connections on twitter via you.
Much love from Australia ♥ @Charlie8Charlie
Much love from Australia ♥ @Charlie8Charlie
Guest Posts
From Lanipandy
from @lanipandy
I would like to thank her for inspiring me in a hundred beautiful ways! Please allow me to count some of the ways. She shows that her strikingly good looks are more that just skin deep--> here's how:
1. by showing her tremendous love for animals--horses, cats, dogs- and their welfare.
2. and because of her love for them and that she feels that the world has so much suffering in it already, she became vegetarian! I'll eternally remember PETA's campaign in the Philippines (I've attached a photo below, the slogan reads: Make vegetables part of you/your life)
3. she tweets about anything under the sun-- politics, sports, current events, entertainment, business, her poopie days. She even tweets photos of her sans make-up (she's equally gorgeous made-up)
4. and because of her tweets, thousands of people are now enjoying clean waters!
5. and, again, because of her tweets, I signed-up on Twitter and had the chance to meet these fascinating and awesome tweeple who share the same love for Alyssa!
Sorry Jimmy if it's a bit long (like it's my own blog or something). I can just actually say " I adore you Alyssa in everything that you do!" (it pretty covers everything I wanted to say to her!).
and oh, before I say my thanks, let me just share a secret wish. One, just one, twit from her will make my day, my month and my year! :) haha..
I would like to thank her for inspiring me in a hundred beautiful ways! Please allow me to count some of the ways. She shows that her strikingly good looks are more that just skin deep--> here's how:
1. by showing her tremendous love for animals--horses, cats, dogs- and their welfare.
2. and because of her love for them and that she feels that the world has so much suffering in it already, she became vegetarian! I'll eternally remember PETA's campaign in the Philippines (I've attached a photo below, the slogan reads: Make vegetables part of you/your life)
3. she tweets about anything under the sun-- politics, sports, current events, entertainment, business, her poopie days. She even tweets photos of her sans make-up (she's equally gorgeous made-up)
4. and because of her tweets, thousands of people are now enjoying clean waters!
5. and, again, because of her tweets, I signed-up on Twitter and had the chance to meet these fascinating and awesome tweeple who share the same love for Alyssa!
Sorry Jimmy if it's a bit long (like it's my own blog or something). I can just actually say " I adore you Alyssa in everything that you do!" (it pretty covers everything I wanted to say to her!).
and oh, before I say my thanks, let me just share a secret wish. One, just one, twit from her will make my day, my month and my year! :) haha..
Guest Posts
For this #MilanoMonday I'd like to invite you to write something for the Blog. I'd be so happy if a few of you would write something for Alyssa and send it to me. The easiest way to get it done is to send an email to me with your note.
Send your note to this address and I'll get them posted as soon as possible. In your email please include your Twitter name!
Send your note to this address and I'll get them posted as soon as possible. In your email please include your Twitter name!
Guest Posts
Facebook Just Got Better
Yes folks, this is the OFFICIAL Alyssa Milano Facebook page. Go add her if you haven't, and join Facebook if you're not there!
Okay #Packers fans, this one is for you (picture)--> than a minute ago via PosterousOfficial Alyssa News
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
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